Firefox os x 10.7
Firefox os x 10.7

firefox os x 10.7

We should also evaluate whether availability in the Mac App Store is important for adoption, if Apple ends up making that the default way to get software on the Mac. Ability to keep parts of the application in memory even when user shuts it down.Search tokens (for search engines and keywords).HiDPI support (doubling of the icons and interface) (" Support HiDPI mode on OS X Lion".Possibly look into sandboxing (security) for content process, decoding video, etc: - Electrolysis might already be handling this?.Better scrolling acceleration model, rubber "bounce" at the end.Double tap zoom support (smart zoom) - I assume Fennec has something like this already.

firefox os x 10.7

Resume support (possibly in place of session restore?) " add resume support for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion".Gestures need to be re-mapped (Lion "steals" some of our existing ones).The new conditional/disappearing scroll bars.Full-screen mode button in the main window.Support HiDPI mode on OS X LionĬurrently identified features that should probably be broken into separate feature pages:.Add support for swipe animation as in Safari.This feature falls primarily in the Experience category (from the "Discover, Experience, and Connect" vision statement.) We want to support things like full-screen mode, the new scroll bars, etc. We should get our platform updated so it supports the new features of Mac OS X, and feels native to the OS. " Add Cmd+Opt+Q for "Quit and Discard Windows"."Support Lion User Interface Preservation"." add resume support for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion".Master feature page for Mac 10.7 support. Please use "Edit with form" above to edit this page.

Firefox os x 10.7